“I had a burger that was pink in the middle. Now, what should I do?”

You’re just now devouring a large chunk of your prized burger, only to discover that it’s been pink throughout the center. Is it going to cause me sickness? Is it going to direct me to hurl? What should you do?

Don’t get upset! Continue reading so we can discover what will happen if you eat a burger that is pink in the middle and how you can prevent it in the future.

Note: While in this article I will discuss beef patties, not chicken burgers. As with beef burgers, there can potentially be some debate regarding whether they are appropriately cooked, whereas chicken burgers always should be cooked well done for safety. For safety, the chicken burger must be cooked to an internal temperature of 165 degrees (75 degrees Celsius).

Raw or Rare: Telling The Difference

Cooking up the perfect burger can be tricky, but knowing the difference between rare and raw burgers is essential to ensure you get the correct result.

A rare beef burger is heated to a temperature of 125°F (52°C). Likewise, a medium-rare hamburger is heated to 135°F (57°C) or higher. In disparity, a hamburger is considered raw if the center’s temperature has still not reached a minimum temperature of 125°F (52°C).

Rare beef burgers are cooked in a way that leaves them juicy and slightly cooked in the center. The outside of the patty should be nicely browned or seared while still leaving some pinkness in the middle. This means some bacteria may still have a rare burger, so it’s essential to cook them thoroughly before serving.

Color is an invalid indicator. Some burgers never go entirely pink, and some hard-to-cook meats can develop some graying. The most critical indicator is temperature.

Imagine you're eating at a restaurant, and visual examination is the only option, you should follow these rules:
  1. If the burger is red inside, it’s raw to rare.
  2. If the burger is pale pink in the middle, it’s medium-rare to medium.
  3. If the interiors are dull-brown and the burger has a firm texture, the burger is well-done.

Will a Rare Burger Sicken You?

It’s a question we all ask ourselves when we think about eating a rare burger: will it make us sick? The answer isn’t as straightforward as you might think. Rare beef burgers, while they may not be cooked to the same temperature as their more well-done counterparts, are still safe to eat. However, raw beef burgers can be dangerous if not handled and prepared correctly.

Yes, eating a rare burger poses a health risk that should be avoided as it could induce food poisoning or other illnesses. Similarly, you could consume harmful bacteria like salmonella.

“That works out to odds of 1:50 of a burger-lover getting an E. coli O157 infection during his lifetime, but only to 1:800,000 odds of him being infected on a single eating occasion.” – FoodSafety

– Food Safety

What To Do If You Do Consume Bad Bacteria?

If you have consumed harmful bacteria, you know it can be a scary experience. Taking the necessary steps quickly is essential to avoid further medical complications. This article will discuss what to do if you consume harmful bacteria and how to tell the difference between rare beef burgers and raw burgers.

First, you must seek medical attention as soon as possible if you suspect that consuming harmful bacteria is the cause of your symptoms. Symptoms such as vomiting, abdominal pain, diarrhea, or fever could all indicate sickness from contaminated food or water. Additionally, it is essential to report the incident directly to your local health department for proper investigation and prevention of future outbreaks.

Second, when dealing with undercooked ground beef like hamburgers or steaks, you must understand how to identify them correctly so they are adequately cooked before consumption.

Symptoms of Food Poisoning

Relax, it’s most likely that you’ll be fine. And even if you become sick, the chance of you getting better within 12 to 48 hours is 50/50, in the worst case, in approximately a week. As long you stay well hydrated, you will always get well.

But what are the symptoms of Food Poisoning?

Symptoms of food poisoning include:

  • feeling sick (nausea)
  • diarrhea
  • being sick (vomiting)
  • stomach cramps
  • a high temperature of 38C or above
  • feeling generally unwell – such as feeling tired or having aches and chills

The symptoms usually start within a few days of eating the food that caused the infection.

Sometimes they start after a few hours or not for a few weeks, depending on what you’ve been infected with.

Food Safety Standards Regarding Rare Burgers

Food safety standards regarding rare burgers have become a hot topic in the United States. As more people opt for unusual burger choices, like rare burgers, it is essential to understand the difference between these types of sandwiches and their potential health risks.

Rare beef burgers are not considered raw and rely on a much shorter cooking time before they are served. This means that the middle of the patty may remain pink while still being safely cooked to an internal temperature high enough to kill any bacteria or germs present. On the other hand, raw burgers contain uncooked beef that has not been heated up sufficiently and can lead to food poisoning if consumed.

Pay attention to food safety standards when ordering rare burgers at restaurants or preparing them in your home kitchen.


The debate between raw and rare beef burgers has been ongoing for years. In conclusion, it can be said that although some people may disagree, both types of burgers are safe to eat and will not cause any health issues; however, before deciding whether or not to try either burger, one must ask themselves if the risk is worth taking.

Raw beef burgers use ground-up beef that has not been cooked in any way; therefore, there is a higher chance of contracting foodborne illness due to bacteria such as Salmonella or E-Coli. On the other hand, rare beef burgers have been cooked but are still pink in the middle, increasing the chance of contamination due to undercooking meat at temperatures lower than 74°C (165°F).